#!/usr/bin/env python """Example exec module to use the Anker API for export of daily Solarbank Energy Data. This method will prompt for the Anker account details if not pre-set in the header. Then you can specify a start day and the number of days for data extraction from the Anker Cloud. Note: The Solar production and Solarbank discharge can be queried across the full range. The solarbank charge however can be queried only as total for an interval (e.g. day). Therefore when solarbank charge data is also selected for export, an additional API query per day is required. The received daily values will be exported into a csv file. """ # pylint: disable=duplicate-code import asyncio import csv from datetime import datetime import json import logging import sys from aiohttp import ClientSession from api import api import common _LOGGER: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _LOGGER.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) # _LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # enable for debug output CONSOLE: logging.Logger = common.CONSOLE async def main() -> None: """Run main to export energy history from cloud.""" CONSOLE.info("Exporting daily Energy data for Anker Solarbank:") try: async with ClientSession() as websession: CONSOLE.info("\nTrying authentication...") myapi = api.AnkerSolixApi( common.user(), common.password(), common.country(), websession, _LOGGER ) if await myapi.async_authenticate(): CONSOLE.info("OK") else: CONSOLE.info( "CACHED" ) # Login validation will be done during first API call # Refresh the site and device info of the API CONSOLE.info("\nUpdating Site Info...") if (await myapi.update_sites()) == {}: CONSOLE.info("NO INFO") return False CONSOLE.info("OK") CONSOLE.info("\nDevices: %s", len(myapi.devices)) _LOGGER.debug(json.dumps(myapi.devices, indent=2)) for sn, device in myapi.devices.items(): if device.get("type") == "solarbank": CONSOLE.info("Found %s SN: %s", device.get("name"), sn) try: daystr = input( "\nEnter start day for daily energy data (yyyy-mm-dd) or enter to skip: " ) if daystr == "": CONSOLE.info( "Skipped SN: %s, checking for next Solarbank...", sn ) continue startday = datetime.fromisoformat(daystr) numdays = int(input("How many days to query (1-366): ")) daytotals = input( "Do you want to include daily total data (e.g. solarbank charge) which require API query per day? (Y/N): " ) daytotals = daytotals.upper() in ["Y", "YES", "TRUE", 1] filename = input( f"CSV filename for export (daily_energy_{daystr}.csv): " ) if filename == "": filename = f"daily_energy_{daystr}.csv" except ValueError: return False # delay requests, limit appears to be around 25 per minute if numdays > 25: myapi.requestDelay(2.5) else: myapi.requestDelay(.3) CONSOLE.info( "Queries may take up to %s seconds with %.3f seconds delay...please wait...", round((numdays * daytotals + 1) * myapi.requestDelay()),myapi.requestDelay() ) data = await myapi.energy_daily( siteId=device.get("site_id"), deviceSn=sn, startDay=startday, numDays=numdays, dayTotals=daytotals, ) _LOGGER.debug(json.dumps(data, indent=2)) # Write csv file if len(data) > 0: with open( filename, "w", newline="", encoding="utf-8" ) as csvfile: fieldnames = (next(iter(data.values()))).keys() writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(data.values()) CONSOLE.info( "\nCompleted: Successfully exported data to %s", filename, ) return True CONSOLE.info("No data received for device") return False CONSOLE.info("No accepted Solarbank device found.") return False except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught # noqa: BLE001 CONSOLE.error("%s: %s", type(err), err) return False # run async main if __name__ == "__main__": try: if not asyncio.run(main()): CONSOLE.warning("Aborted!") except Exception as exception: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught # noqa: BLE001 CONSOLE.exception("%s: %s", type(exception), exception)